What are some good topics to write about for a personal essay?

 A personal essay is mostly given to the students of high school and colleges to generate the idea and habit of writing in them to ensure the complete learning of English writing processes. It is a kind of non-fiction writing which is done using a number of styles. Personal essays are basically narration of one’s own experiences and views on a subject. A good personal essay is one where the writer is able to combine the opinion and views in his narration. It can be about a personality one studies and learn in their course or even childhood experiences. The main feature which makes a personal essay a personal one, if and only if stays subjective. A group of ten student can write on a single topic but it can only be a personal essay if it states the views of the writers which will mean that there will be a ten different narration on a single topic. The use of personal pronouns is another common feature of a personal essay such as written in first person or in second person if it is a narration about an experience, the common pronouns observed in personal essays are I, my, me, we and our.  Students are expected to write about their perspective on a certain topic or simply put down what they have observed about it. Few of the common examples of a personal essays are:

· What do you expect to see and learn in a particular class?

· A person or personality you admire most.

· Your favorite person in your family.

· Your favorite family outing that left a lasting impression on you.

· The place you like to visit most when you are happy.

· The place you like to visit most when you are sad or upset.

· A description of your native place.

· A description of the place you have lived your whole life.

· Your first memory of the first piece of technology you owned.

· Your favorite memory of an unexpected surprise by a loved one.

· Description of the piece of technology you are addicted to.

· What modern songs inspire you?

· The biggest surprise of your life.

· The biggest reveal you faced.

· What annoys you?

· What makes you happy?

· A family tradition you look forward to experiencing.

· Importance of money in your life.

· Importance of education in your life.

· What kind of movies you think is the best for inspiration?

· What kind of commercials do you like watching?

· A personality or a person who made a lasting impression on you.

· A childhood memory you remember vividly.

· Which subject inspires you the most?

· What do you think is the adequate amount of control over children is right?

· What is the best method according to you learn something new?

· The biggest disappointment of your life.

· Books that made a great impression on you.

· Tell me about your first trip abroad.

· Tell how you helped someone.

· Describe an accident you witnessed.

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