How do you write a newspaper story?

 In this part, the way an attractive newspaper story can be written will be discussed. Writing a newspaper story is not difficult. To become an expert writer of a newspaper story, the writer not only has to practice but also has to follow the guideline. By following the guideline, the writer can prepare effective news items without too much difficulty.

The writer has to follow the guideline, which contains six factors. Those six factors are who, what, where, when, why, and how. In the newspaper story, the writer has to address these questions. It will make the newspaper story most compelling. The writer has to drill these factors into his brain, and these factors must become second nature. For example, if the writer wishes to cover a local sports team entering a competition, the writer will need to answer these questions. Who is the team? Who is the coach? Who are the permanent players? Who are the supporters? In the next part, the writer has to discuss what sport do they play? What is competition? In the next section, the writer has to answer specific questions. Where is the competition? Where is the team customarily based? After discussing these questions, the writer has to consider the time. When is the competition? How long have they been preparing? Are there any other essential time factors? In the next part, the writer has to discuss how they are going to enter the competition. Do they need to fundraise? How much training and preparation is required? What will they need to do to win?

After following this guideline, the writer has to follow the Inverted pyramid. The inverted pyramid is the style of journalism that delivers the most significant facts at the beginning and works “down” from there. The starting paragraph of the newspaper story must contain sufficient information to give the reader an excellent review of the entire story. The beginning of the newspaper story is the preface of the article.

Several other important factors must be followed by the writer to make the newspaper story more attractive. The writer has to follow one thing that is the news article is about people. The writer aims to affect the reader through the material. The writer has to follow a particular angle named “slant” which is a standard technique for writing an attractive newspaper article. This style will help the writer to make the purpose of the story clear and give it focus. The writer has to make the newspaper story objective. The writer has to entirely impartial. If it is needed, the writer has to quote people. It will provide an attractive look to the newspaper story. The sentences and paragraphs must be short. The writer must avoid the use of lots of heavily descriptive language.  

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